Monday, June 20, 2011

Chama NM

Gail took off again from Cuba, NM last Sunday and joined up with Greg for the last little bit of this leg to Chama. She and Greg by now have coffeed, breakfasted, showered, coffeed and all that good stuff in tiny Chama. It was a bit tough going on this leg, with lots of GPS navigating along dirt roads, 4WD track and the occasional trail. Gail said she was told to budget at least a total of one hour a day for GPS perusal on stretches of the CDT and she said that was about right on this stretch. She said that signs and rock cairns were few and far in between, and sometimes the cairns were wrong. However she did manage to get in one 20 mile day anyway.

Gail and Greg were both depending heavily on GPS when they met. The way Gail told it, they were both walking while looking down at their GPSs when they practically bumped into each other. Gail was pretty happy to see another human after not seeing anyone for five days. And it was Greg!

Chama is in NM, but this morning Greg and Gail crossed the border to CO to get to Highway 17 before getting a ride back south to Chama, which is the nearest town. They have a zero day tomorrow before heading back up to CO for another stretch. Gail is happy for the zero day because the weather is a little cold and wet right now. They have their restaurant picked out for dinner tonight, although it's a mile from where they are staying so in her words they'll "be doing some walking."

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