Friday, May 13, 2011

Back in Silver City

Gail called from Silver City, said something about taking a shower and finding a nice ale. She is now strongly considering coming back to Seattle until it's showtime for Colorado because there are strong winds forecast this weekend, not good for fighting fires in such a dry year. Think calm thoughts for her this weekend. However, she's got great attitude and is keeping her mind on fun. She can come back and do the rest of NM next year before she heads back to WY for the finish.

Although I think I'm going to use my daughterly persistence to see if I can get her to start back up at I-40 since it makes sense logistically, to me at least. My daughterly persistence has got me many things in the past, including clothes, hairspray and a puppy, and I even got her to play Scrabble with me a couple of times, so let's see if I still have the touch.


  1. That got you a whole case of Aqua Net Extra Super Hold.

  2. That was a birthday surprise. I can't take credit for it.
